Tips to Keep in Mind While Choosing Right Epoxy Color for Your Floors

epoxy floor in Blackwood, NJ

If you are looking for options to upgrade your garage floor or commercial kitchen, you might want to consider an epoxy floor. It is beautiful, shiny, versatile, and durable. But when you need to choose a color for your floor, it turns out to be a challenge. The reason is that epoxy is available in a variety of colors.

Even though choosing a color may seem to be a simple task or small detail, it may end up affecting the aesthetic of your floor and place. Additionally, the color you choose will affect the maintenance and cleaning practices required to carry out.

Therefore, you must be cautious when choosing the epoxy color for your floor. Here are a few tips you must follow to make the right choice:

Consider your goal

Space matters the most if you choose the epoxy color for your floor. You must consider the space that you are putting your epoxy flooring and your ultimate goal for the project. The proper epoxy for a professional and sleek office building may differ from the basement. Setting matters, and the choices you need will define your space’s design and provide the durability levels you need.

The flooring finish sets the tone.

Epoxy floor finishing like standard and metallic sets the tone for your flooring. Metallic finishing offers an exciting pattern that provides visual interest for the eye, distracting it from other space features. The shinier metallic finishing allows the light to bounce off the floor and increases the brightness of space.

Choose the color according to the use.

When you choose the color, it is best to consider the use of the place. For example, if you want epoxy flooring in the garage and use it for car parking, choose the color that can easily mask the tire marks and grease. In this case, black or slate colors are the ideal choice,

However, in the case of woodwork, you can choose the color of your epoxy floor to be closer to the color of sawdust. It is essential because the color will disguise the dust, making the garage look less messy after work.

On the other hand, if you live in a place where there is light-colored soil or near the beach, the color of your garage floor must be white or something similar.

Pick a color based on lighting.

You can choose the color to compliment the place. It must depend on how lit you want your place to be. For example, if the place has too much natural light, avoid using metallic concrete sealers. The reason is that they tend to reflect light that causes the floor to give off a blinding light.

If the place lacks proper lighting, light color is ideal for your floor. The reason is that light color makes your place look more prominent and helps to reflect natural light. It will also eliminate the need to have more light sources.

You must be able to maintain the color you choose

If you have the epoxy floor installed, you must maintain it clean. It is easier to see the dirt with light colors. The reason is that light-colored flooring requires heavy and frequent maintenance.

It will require you to set aside enough time to clean the floor now and then. If you have the time and initiative to keep it clean, choose a light color as it is advisable. However, if you do not have the energy and time to clean the floor every day, go for a darker color. The reason is simple; they do not require frequent cleaning and intensive treatment to look nice.

Choose a color that matches your home well.

If you want your house and garage floors to look connected, the floor color must match or complement your house paints.

It is not always easy to find the color that compliments or matches your home well, especially an older home.


The color of the epoxy coating must vary according to the nature of the building where it needs application. The coating color over the garage floor would be different from the commercial or restaurant kitchen. According to the setting, the above tips will help you get a better insight into what kind of color you can choose.

Are you searching for professional epoxy flooring in NJ? Then, get in touch with us! We provide specialized services.

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