restaurant floor coatings

Guide to the Best Restaurant Kitchen Flooring

What we all want is the safety of our workers. To create a safe environment for your staff and workers, you must choose flooring resistant to water, UV rays, moisture, chemicals, and abrasions. Many different flooring materials are cost-effective and easy to clean. However, When it comes to grease oil and chemicals, you need a

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Pool Deck Coatings

Things To Consider For Installing Pool Deck Coatings

Swimming pools are fun, and no one ever wants to look bad. If you’re planning to remodel your pool deck area, consider installing epoxy floor coatings to make your place aesthetically appealing and comfortable. These coatings are the perfect option to renovate your residence as the floorings are beautiful and don’t compromise durability. If you

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Benefits of Polyurea and Polyaspartic Coatings

If your facilities like counters, tabletops, bars, and floors require advanced topcoat protection, you must contact Transylvania Concrete Coatings to choose the best floor coatings. Our experts can help find the most reliable and efficient floor coatings for your place. Why you should choose Polyurea and Polyaspartic coatings Transylvania Concrete Coatings is the most trustworthy

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Epoxy Floor Coating

The Benefits of Basement Flooring One-Day Coatings

A well-remodeled basement is a valuable addition to any home. Enhancing a dreamy basement comes with unique challenges. You don’t have to worry about anything if you hire a reliable concrete coating company for your basement. Benefits of hiring Transylvania Concrete Coatings Transylvania concrete Coatings will offer you the perfect solution to renovate your basement

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metallic flooring

Epoxy Concrete Floor Coating for Your Basement

Often, people underlook at the importance of having durable floor coating. They underestimate how much damage can occur due to heavy foot traffic, moisture, and other causes. These causes can affect the integrity of your basement floor. You can save your basement floor in several ways. However, installing epoxy floor coating in your basement is

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basement flooring

Durable Floor Coatings for All Your Basement Flooring Needs

Everyone wants to make the most of their home’s square footage. Renovating your basement is a relatively low-cost way to add your dreamy living space to your home. But along with the oppurtunities, basement enhancing has its unique challenges. As the basement is a low-grade area, it’s prone to moisture issues, such as rot, mold,

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kitchen flooring

Factors To consider while choosing Commercial Kitchen Flooring

Commercial kitchens go through many wringers throughout the day. It includes high temperatures, oil spills, steady streams of water, heavy foot traffic, and more. Due to such harsh conditions, commercial kitchens require solid and durable floor coatings. If you’re looking for durable commercial kitchen flooring, ensure to consider the following factors: Safety — For safety,

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workplace floor coatings NJ

Tips for Choosing the Right Industrial Concrete Floor Coating

When it comes to industrial floors, they require high-performance, rugged, and robust industrial concrete floor coating that can bear all the stress brought up by regular applications. The concrete floor coating resistance to physical and chemical damages for a more extended time makes them the perfect option for industrial floors. How to choose the suitable

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